Nos engagements Billie Cup

Our commitments

Adopting a circular economy approach

In 1950, plastic production and use represented 0.6kg/capita worldwide. Today, this figure has risen to 47.7/kg/inhabitant. It has become imperative to rethink the way we consume in order to put an end to this over-consumption of plastic.

Reducing waste: a real necessity

We cannot allow the volume of waste to continue to grow. And we can’t do that if we continue to ignore a problem that is so real. We’re running out of resources… and our planet is suffering.
We need a circular economy to put an end to single-use waste.

Extending product lifespan

Billie Cup is committed to fair consumption! Consuming the content rather than the container: that’s the Billie Cup philosophy!
Our Billie Cups last for years! They are reused and washed after each use. When they reach the end of their life after many uses, we take them back for recycling. In this way, they are transformed and can begin a new life cycle.

Developing the virtuous principle of deposits

According to a recent study by Earth Day, around 500 billion disposable cups are used around the world every year. So many cups end up as waste after just a few minutes of use.

Nature is impacted by our ever-increasing waste

Plastic breaks down extremely slowly. In nature, it dematerialises into microplastics. Small particles embed themselves in the soil. Rainfall washes them into our rivers, lakes and oceans. Fauna and flora are then impacted. So what’s the solution?

The deposit or how to extend the life of containers

The introduction of a deposit system is a no-brainer. Many European countries have already proved its effectiveness. 
The deposit is a viable solution to the shortcomings of waste recycling. Our 1 euro deposit guarantees zero litter.

Taking part in a global approach to re-use

Re-uz is the European project to which Billie Cup and Ecocup belong. It is a brand that brings together a complete range of re-use solutions for consumers and professionals, from simple systems to high-tech innovations. All the containers are designed and produced in France. The network is active in more than 10 European countries. Our motto: Less is now!

Where to find the Billie cups?

To know where to get a Billie Cup, click here ⇩