the Billie Cup network

Suitable for takeaways, hotels, cafés, retailers… Billie Cup is much more than just a cup! Discover a system where circular economy makes sense! Get involved in a real eco-responsible approach where both businesses and customers get involved.

Why switch to reuse in your establishment?

Because disposable containers are expensive! On average, a paper cup costs €0.12. That’s €0.12 spent on a cup used just once. We’ve seen cheaper, haven’t we?

Because regulations are moving in this direction (Belgium, Canada, Spain, France, Netherlands)

Finally, because using disposable cups and containers creates a lot of waste. As well as contributing to a global pollution problem, it also conveys an image that is not very respectful of the environment.

In concrete terms, how does this work for your establishment?

1. Order your Billie Cups

1. Order your Billie Cups

Website / Site internet Billie Cup / formulaire de contact

2. Serve your drinks, ice creams, and desserts in the Billie Cups for 1€ deposit

2. Serve your drinks, ice creams, and desserts in the Billie Cups for 1€ deposit

Billie 20 cappuccino machine à café
Billie Cup 20cl barista tend une tasse de café

3. Refund the deposit if your customers return a cup, and keep it to restock if they don’t.

3. Refund the deposit if your customers return a cup, and keep it to restock if they don’t.

Billie Cups sur comptoir

4. Re-use your stock of Billie Cup, it’s yours.

4. Re-use your stock of Billie Cup, it’s yours.

The advantages of Billie Cup for professionals

Save on the cost of purchasing your containers, with a neutral operation thanks to the deposit system.

Reduce your waste and your impact on the environment by using reusable containers.

Build customer loyalty by offering quality products in reusable containers with a deposit system.

Billie Cup reusable cups are practical. They’re lightweight, easy to stack, portable and dishwasher safe as well as temperature resistant.

Benefit from the network and expertise of the Re-uz brand, specialist in reusable containers.

Billie Cup reusable cups are practical. They’re lightweight, easy to stack, portable and dishwasher safe as well as temperature resistant.

Benefit from the network and expertise of the Re-uz brand, specialist in reusable containers.

How does it work for consumers?

1. Order your drink to go

1. Order your drink to go

Barsita tend une tasse Billie Cup

2. For €1 deposit, take your drink away in a Billie Cup

2. For €1 deposit, take you drink to go in a Billie Cup.

Billie Cup to-go picnic Bruxelles
Régalez-vous ! Fille qui boit dans un gobelet réutilisable

3. Enjoy!

3. Enjoy!

Communauté Billie Cup consommateur rend son gobelet

4. After that, the choice is yours:

  • Re-use the Billie Cup
  • Return it to one of our Billie Cup partners and get your 1€ deposit back

4. After that, the choice is yours:

  • Re-use the Billie Cup
  • Return it to one of our Billie Cup partners and get your 1€ deposit back

The benefits of Billie Cup for consumers

Enjoy your favourite drink in an eco-friendly way.

Opt for a large-scale deposit system with our many partners, for easy and convenient return and reuse.

Join a community of businesses and consumers committed to zero waste.